Blocks are highly modular components which you can use in any combination you like to customise the way a page is built. This gives you full control over the layout of the page and the content on it.

Blocks can be arranged in any order to build the page

Blocks can be arranged in any order to build the page

The content within the block can be updated to suit the page.

Most pages can be built in some part using blocks, however some pages will include more blocks than others depending on their content type and needs.

The thing to remember is that blocks are optional. You can use as many or as few blocks as you need. You can add and remove them as you wish and change the order they appear in. You can also ignore the feature entirely and not use them at all.

If you would like to enable a specific block on a page where the block isn’t included in the blocks options then please contact Harry at [email protected].

Identifying the various blocks

In this section you will learn about each individual block and how to identify them on the website.




