How do I log in to the content management system (CMS)?

You can access the CMS from

In your browser you should see the following login screen.

I don’t have access to the CMS, how do I get access?

If you don’t have access but need it please contact Harry on [email protected] so you can be added as a collaborator. You will then receive an email from Forestry (the CMS provider) asking you to create an account with Forestry. Follow the step above to log in and begin editing content.

What happens next?

Once you have access to the CMS please read through the rest of this guide starting with the core concepts and watch the videos before you make any changes or add new content.

This will help you understand how the website works and learn the terminology used to describe different parts of the website.

<aside> 💡 The best way to learn how to edit content is to have the website open in second browser tab whilst you are in the CMS, so you can compare what is in the CMS with what is on the the corresponding page of the website. You can also Preview pages you are working on by clicking the eye icon in the top right of the page.
